Friday, June 4, 2010

Die and Let Live (2006)

Best friends Benny and Smalls throw a party in an attempt for Benny to get a date with Stephanie who just broke up with her cheating boyfriend. Meanwhile some test subjects with a zombie virus have gotten loose from an experimental medical facility and are biting whoever they can get their hands on. Stephanies ex-boyfriend and the zombies show up at the party and mayhem ensues.

While this isn't the best movie you're going to see, it's certainly not the worst. The comedy often falls flat (although the clips of the premier show the crowd laughing uproariously). The zombie make up on the cover is what you get. Often the cast holds their hands over the spot of they were bitten, which I assume is to try to hide the fact that there is no wound. When the zombies bite there is plenty of blood. There is also some sinewy bits that seem to be held on the victims arms by the zombies. One distracting thing was that Benny got a haircut during the filming and in some scenes his hair is super short.

I have to give them a lot of credit for getting this made and distributed. It's not perfect by any means but it's definitely better than many low budget movies I've seen. Also I read a comment from the director where he said the movie cost $1000 other than the cost of cameras. In light of that information, they really did an amazing job as I would never have guessed they only spent that much money on this.

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