Friday, November 16, 2012

A Lonely Place to Die (2011)

Five friends go on a weekend climbing trip and while trekking through the woods, discover a little girl imprisoned in a hole underground.  The nearest town is fifteen to twenty miles away by path.

Rob and Alison, the two best climbers, decide to rappel down a dangerous cliff.  If they manage to safely get down, it is only two to four miles to the village and they can get help.

Since the girl was a prisoner, they know that at some point her kidnappers will be back for her.  The girl doesn't speak English so they can't determine exactly who put her there or why.  As Rob and Alyson try to rappel down the rock, they encounter trouble and there is an accident.  The kidnappers are back and they want the girl, which means they will do anything to get her, including murder.

The film does have some tension, but I couldn't get past one major plot point.  Rob and Alyson went down the rock face as it would only be 2-4 miles rather than 15-20 miles.  Yet when Alyson gets to the bottom of the cliff and runs off the path down by the river, she runs into the other people in her party.  So.... how was that supposed to save time and distance if she meets up with them shortly after getting to the bottom of the cliff?

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