Thursday, November 8, 2012

Necroville (2007)

Alex and Jack are best friends.  Jack's girlfriend Penny is a lazy manipulative loser who finds fault with everything Jack does.  On top of that, Penny doesn't work and expects Jack to support her and pay for everything, including taking out a loan to buy her a car.  Yeah, you'll hate her.

After Alex and Jack get fired from their jobs, they accept new jobs with Zom-B-Gone, a company that handles requests for zombie removals.  The Zom-B-Gone commercial is pretty funny with the announcer doing a Christopher Walken-like voice.

Not sure how I feel about this one.  The comedy often falls flat, and the two lead characters aren't that appealing.  But there were a few moments that made me laugh out loud.  One of my favorite scenes was when their plan to kill the vampire involved dropping a grand piano three stories on top of him, like something out of the old silent movies or Three Stooges shorts.  It was so ridiculous.

Although I ended up having mixed feelings about it, the movie does have some charm.  I also liked the extras where they show short clips of before and after the effects (done via rotoscope) were added.

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