Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A Cadaver Christmas (2011)

Bartender Eddie and drunk Tom are in the bar on Christmas eve when a man walks in covered in blood.  While he uses the restroom to clean up, Eddie calls the police who ask them to keep the guy there until they arrive.

The man turns out to be a janitor from the college. While he has a drink, he tells them about cadavers coming to life at the college.

When the local policeman, Sam Sheriff, arrives he doesn't believe a word of this, even though there are a few zombies outside in the parking lot.

After handcuffing the zombies together inside the bar, everyone gets in Sam's car to go to the college.  The janitor wants to make sure the cadavers are contained, and Sam wants to know whats really going on.

Once at the college, they are joined by a security person, and head off to the office of a professor that the janitor saw working late in the science lab. Hopefully he'll have an idea of what is going on.

We've got lots of intentional cliches here - people separate when they should stick together, no one believes the guy who really knows what's going on, a scientist doing strange experiments to cure the disease that killed his wife, an experiment going wrong, an inept sheriff, a town drunk, etc.

I like zombie flicks and holiday horror flicks, and overall, this was a good one. At first I found the cliched characters a bit annoying. Sometimes the comedy fall flat and there are times the dialogue will make you cringe at bit.  But as the movie went on, those things all worked themselves out and it works.  I ended up really enjoying this.

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