Sunday, March 31, 2024

Demon Cop (1990)

This movie is a confusing mess. A doctor at an asylum says he’s going to tell us the story of his patient. A man runs down the street. Cut to his feet running quickly and then two other feet lumbering along. I don’t think the first guy needs to be that concerned, but he runs into a car and rolls across the hood before sprinting off. 

The next day two cops are assigned to investigate some gang murders, which I guess are related to the guy from the night before. They aren’t happy about being on the case. They interrogate some people and we find out there is a man named Spongey who got beat up.

Meanwhile Horst aka Bloodhound calls in a warning to the radio station. It’s not aired since they don’t broadcast warnings from random strangers. Horst dictates to a tape recorder, stumbling over the dialogue as he goes, and prompting you to wonder why they didn’t bother to reshoot the scene. 

I have no idea what’s going on and it doesn’t clarify things when there is a close up of a man’s eyes while a male and female voice talk in an echo chamber. Is it in his head? Is he crazy? Then we see video of a woman. So he’s remembering something that happened to him?

We learn that Edward is a Vietnam vet who lost his wife and child.  He used to be a probation officer and now he just feels like killing. He’s got a girlfriend who keeps her own 8x10 glossy head shot by her bed.

Apparently a transfusion from infected blood can make the recipient seek vengeance for wrong doings. The illness is elevated at half moon and by full moon they’re a demon. You can’t destroy the demon, but you can stop him.  Then they say there is a special weapon to destroy its heart… so you can destroy it?

This movie is a confusing mess. Often I had no idea what was going on.  Multiple characters flub their lines and the filming continues. When the demon is shot, he starts singing.  Why? And why does his girlfriend have an 8x10 glossy of herself next to her bed?

Ridiculous dialogue

Your station became a legitimate accomplice to murder last night.

You didn’t get that knot on the onion by beating up on Spongey, right?

Suppose you and the other jive asses got people pissed off enough to become vigilantes.

If you really have the American public’s beset interest at heart, why hide behind some penny ante name like Bloodhound?

Someone’s been living there like Goldilocks without the three bears.

As sick as he is, he has sense enough to try to keep clean.

The doctor is going to tell us a story, and block his own light
The credits are chalk on a brick wall in a hard to read font
Demon cop
Nothing award about this
The glasses out of the late 70s
Look at this as you listen to a man and woman talk
Why does she have her own head shot by her bed?
Demon cop and his odd physique
This wheelchair shot made me laugh.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Curse of the Black Widow (1977)

Mark Higby is hired by Leigh Lockridge to investigate the murder of her fiancĂ© Frank.  The bartender and a patron say a woman named Victoria asked Frank to help her start her car. Later they heard a scream and found him dead in the parking lot.

The police suspect Leigh. Her first husband vanished on a cruise and now her fiancĂ© is dead.  The autopsy reports he has chest wounds and was completely drained of blood. Maybe the police should rethink their Leigh is the murderer theory.

While Lt. Conti says to keep things under wraps, Mark gets some information from Rags, who tells him there have been other deaths with this same M.O.  He gives him the name of a witness, who tells Mark he’s sick of being harassed and laughed at, but Mark assures him there’s nothing funny about a murder.  When the man says he saw a giant spider, Mark laughs.

Rags tells him there is a legend about a curse that goes through the female members of a blood line.  It can lie dormant for years until one is bitten by a spider, at which point she will occasionally turn into a spider during a  full moon.

Mark starts digging into the Lockridge family and finds the father was a flying enthusiastic who died in a plane crash. His wife surived and gave birth to twin daughters at the crash site. When she was found a few days later, one of the girls was covered in bites and was comatose for a week. Dun dun duh!

This made for TV movie is tame, but amusing. I don’t recall ever hearing a story about a person who turns into a spider during a full moon. It makes me want other movies with ridiculous back stories to explain turning into oversized creatures in the full moon.

Ridiculous dialogue

Once bitten by the spider, the woman periodically - but only during the cycle of the full moon - makes the transition into an incredibly large spider. 

What’s this? A giant web?
The family is referred to as Lockridge,
but the credits say Lockwood.