Saturday, May 17, 2008

AVP Aliens vs Predator Requiem

A spaceship filled with alien hatchling specimens crash lands on Earth unleashing the hatchlings on a small town. Aliens run amuck in town as a Predator arrives to take control of the creatures that killed his friend.

The townsfolk don't get any character development, so it's hard to remember anyone's name. But since they're all stereotypes, you can remember them that way. There's the ex-con, sheriff, younger brother, pizza guy, army mom, little girl, asshole jock, and hot chick.

As the slaughter of the townspeople rages on, a small group bands together to try to survive, and must decide whether to follow the Army's instructions to go to the center of town for an evacuation or to head to the hospital in hopes of using their chopper to escape. Guess which is the better idea.

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