Friday, January 15, 2010

Silent Rage (1982)

A man goes crazy, kills people in a rooming house, and Chuck Norris shows up on the scene to stop the mayhem. And when he can't to it on his own, the police shoot the man, who is zipped off for medical attention. The doctor's decide he would be the perfect candidate to test a some sort of new genetic engineering serum that will quicken the bodies natural ability to heal. Yes, it's always good to test things on crazy people with almost inhuman strength.

The problem that the doctors do not foresee, or do not care about in their quest for test subjects, is that once Mr. Crazy is let loose on society, he kills in a...silent rage. And when the police try to stop him, any damage his body incurs is miraculously healed, even from death.

It's a sort of creepy suspenseful silly movie in the typical Chuck Norris 1980s fashion. Bad comedic relief is provided by his deputy sidekick, Stephen Furst.

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