Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Octopus (2000)

When a bomb goes off in a building nearby, Agent Turner and his partner realize that the old lady they saw inside is now short one bag and give chase.  But this is no lady.  It is actually a terrorist named Casper. I'd like to say he's a master of disguise, but I can't because it was obvious that he wasn't a woman.   So it's more that Turner and his partner are crappy agents.

When Casper shoots Turners partner and then crashes a car in a getaway attempt, Turner ends up rescuing him from the burning vehicle. This sets the stage for Turner to accompany Casper to the US via a ride on a Navy submarine. No one shall ask why the military would let a terrorist, even one in custody, get on a Navy sub, but that is just one of the many leaps in logic that you'll find in this movie.

You also shouldn't wonder why the female scientist first appears on screen doing either a terrible Russian or Asian accent.  We were arguing over which one she was attempting and then she threw a curveball at us by actually being American. What the hell is going on here?

The terror group working with Casper decided they will "infiltrate" a cruise ship so that they can rescue him from the sub.  Boy those military, with their terrorist transporting subs and their inability to keep quiet about it.  And how does a cruise ship get someone off a sub?

These terrorist are the worst ever as they leave their door open to their cabin. When the maid comes to make up the room, they hear her knock and ask if anyone is there. But instead of asking her to come back later, they do nothing and they dispatch of her for finding bullet casings. Ugh, you guys are the worst. Just keep your door shut.

Oh yes, and eventually there is an octopus and it attacks a cruise ship.  It's like they wrote an action movie about a terrorist and it was boring so they decided dot throw a mutant octopus into the mix.

The octopus is interesting because the beasts size is inconsistent. Sometimes it's the size of the octopus on the cover of the DVD while other times by comparison it seems more lie the size of a house.

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