Sunday, February 17, 2019

Annihilation (2018)

Army Specialist Kane appears at the home he shares with wife Lena after a year with no word of where he's been or what his mission was. Lena is surprised to see him since she wasn't sure if he was still alive. But he doesn't seem like himself and when he randomly starts bleeding she calls 911.

On the ride to the hospital, black SUVs stop the ambulance and bring her and Kane to a military facility.  Here Lena learns that Kane and his group went into something called the Shimmer, a strange shimmering field that originated around a lighthouse after a meteor strike and is growing to envelope nearby areas.

Kane is the only person to ever come out of the Shimmer and Dr. Ventress, a psychologist, is putting together an all female team to investigate what is inside.  Lena, currently a professor of biology but formerly in the army, volunteers to join the team as she wants to know what happened to her husband.

The group successfully make it in, but are completely isolated when their satellite phones are unable to reach outside the Shimmer.  Strange things start to happen. They have no memory of the first few days inside, there are mutated animals, and people in the group start coming unhinged.  When they find the base for the last group and stumble across video the group shot, panic sets in and some of the team wants to go back.

I knew nothing about his film other than what I saw in the trailer, which made it look like an exciting  scifi/horror film with lots of action.  So imagine my disappointment, when I kept waiting for the action to start and it never did.  There are a few scenes that are exciting, but mostly it's people walking and conjecturing about what is going on.  It's not that I can't enjoy a slow, low key movie with lots of talking.  I loved Ex Machina, which is from the same director.  But don't put out a trailer making it look like something it's not.

Ultimately, I was disappointed. I wish I hadn't seen the trailer. Maybe if I hadn't had expectations, I would have enjoyed this.

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