Sunday, August 18, 2019

Demon Resurrection (2008)

Grace's friends are worried about her and show up unannounced at her home to confront her about what is going on.  They are invited in by her boyfriend, but Grace is out of it. They're wondering if her boyfriend is the cause of her ill health.

It turns out Grace was in a cult and her boyfriend managed to get her out.  But not before she'd become the carrier of a demon baby. I hate when that happens.

The cult leader is upset that his demon carrier has absconded with satanic baby inside her, and raises the dead to get her back... or get the baby. Not really sure as the movie was slow moving and I lost track of what was happening.

The best thing about this movie is the undead. They remind me of the dead in the templar knight movies about the Blind Dead.  Other than that, the movie is fairly slow moving. We actually ended up fast forwarding through the last twenty minutes because we couldn't bear to watch any more of it.

The thing that drove me nuts about this movie is that they are locked in a house, yet they keep opening the windows!  There is an army of corpses outside and people keep opening the damn windows, which results in death or dismemberment. If they'd just kept them closed, this never would have happened.

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