Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Valley of Death (1988)

 Aka Memorial Valley Massacre

A developer opens a camp ground, even though there’s no running water, the road isn’t complete and there was a death in a construction accident that morning.  The ranger doesn’t think it’s safe, but the developer thinks that’s a lame excuse to not make money from the rubes waiting to camp.

David, the developers estranged son, shows up to work. He’s the opposite of his father, is going to college and wants to do what’s right for the environment.  The ranger doesn’t cotton to no city boy telling him what to do, but David is just here to do his job and isn’t trying to question his authority.

The camp ground must have had good marketing. There’s a line of campers waiting to get in and a number of stock characters waiting to be murdered by what is essentially a caveman that’s been living in the area since he was a child. With no human interaction, he’s reverted to grunting rather than speaking, and wants everyone off of his land. 

As the deaths mount, some of the people leave in fear that an animal is on the loose.  But we’ve still got the featured characters left to meet their maker.  It’s kind of slow moving and you’ll wonder why the caveman has unruly hair, yet is clean shaven.

Vaudevillian dialogue

Teen: Does he look sorta like you?
Chuck: Why yes.
Teen: Sorta dumpy and stupid?
Chuck: Now wait a minute
Rick: Kind fat and weird?

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