Monday, June 24, 2024

Alligator 2: The Mutation (1991)

Rich business man Vinny Brown dumps toxic chemicals into the sewer. Soon a little alligator has grown to gargantuan proportions and developed a taste for human blood. Good cop David Hodges - not the same David who is the main character in Alligator - is called in to investigate after two fisherman go missing.  When a leg is found, the damage seems to be from a gator attack.  

Hodges becomes convinced this is no ordinary alligator.  He urges the mayor to cancel the carnival that Brown is sponsoring on the lake, but the mayor refuses.   After Hodges and a rookie see the giant gator in the sewer, the police ask Brown to cancel the carnival. He refuses, but instead brings in a noted hunter to dispatch the gator. It does not go well.

Even though the mayor keeps the gator sightings under wraps, hardly anyone goes to them carnival. Brown urges the DJ who’s broadcasting live to announce food, rides and booths are now free.  I’m not sure how that will help him, but at least the happy gator smacks his mouth in glee. 

This is not as good as the first movie.  It’s odd that the main characters in both movies are named David. At first I thought it was the same character but they couldn’t get the first actor.

Ridiculous dialogue

I understand that you’re professionals, but this is not a professional alligator.

So rich people have wrestling matches at their parties
The professional hunters
How did he miss the huge pile of dirt in the road?
Why is no one at the carnival?
The alligator heads towards the fun
Snap attack!

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