Saturday, August 20, 2011

Killer Bash: Vengeance Never Dies (2005)

In 1975 five frat boys accidentally cause the death of geeky Robert Hyde in a prank gone wrong. Thirty years later, Becky Jekyll is studying Chemistry and Microbiology, and ends up with Roberts books. Not sure why these books are still being used since there have been many advances in science during the past thirty years, and Becky will surely fail her classes by studying them.

Becky finds a map in one of the books which leads to the basement where she stumbles across Roberts class ring. Somehow Roberts spirit takes possession of Becky and uses his supernatural powers to seek revenge on the frat boys who bullied him. Luckily for Robert, all the frat boys have sons who are all the same age, attend the very same college as their fathers did, and have pledged the same frat. What are the odds?

Roberts spirit makes Becky's eyes glow red when she is about to kill. All the deaths seem like accidents, except for the fact that all the guys belong to one frat.
There is plenty of padding with frat parties, music, and dancing.

The movie is full of ridiculous-ness:
  • Becky's last name is Jekyll and Roberts last name is Hyde
  • when Becky is possessed by nerdy Robert, she goes from a mousy, shy pariah to a popular hot chick - since when do dead nerds know how to give girls make overs?
  • the weight lifting equipment is located outside on the lawn
  • the soccer team practice near the weights in a common area next to a sidewalk, not on a soccer field
  • Craig is deathly allergic to peanuts, yet the granola bar he eats appears to be covered in nuts, which he doesn't notice
  • the odds of the five frat guys all having kids the same age is astronomical
  • we only know it's 1975 at the beginning because they tell us it is - you can't tell from the fashions or haircuts
  • Argh! What is up with that DVD cover? Her face is totally photoshopped onto that neck.

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