Friday, July 27, 2018

Iced (1988)

A group of friends head to a ski lodge for the weekend. Jeff brags about his skiing prowess to impress Trina. But when he loses a ski race, Trina ends up arm wrestling (yeah you heard me) with winner Cory in his hotel room. Jeff screams at Cory for stealing his girlfriend. But as Trina points out, they didn't come together and they've never dated.  Oh god, Jeff's one of those guys.

In a rage, Jeff heads downstairs to drink and pours his anger out to...someone, or maybe no one as we never see anyone with him. Then he goes night skiing, falls off a boulder, and lands on a small pile of rocks. And when I say rocks, I'm talking about four or five stones that might be used in building a rock wall.  Jeff rolls off the rocks and sighs, leaving the viewer to wonder if he's had the wind knocked out of him or he's dead.

Four years later, the gang is invited to a ski chalet for a sales presentation on the same mountain where Jeff died. Okay, so that establishes he's dead.... or does it?  Because there is a killer after everyone who went to the mountain with Jeff.

Alex, the real estate agent for the chalet, is barely introduced before he's in a hot tub having visions of being naked with a woman.  What's the deal?  Is this a fantasy? Is he remembering something from his past? Is he psychic and seeing something in his future?

An hour into the film, you'll wonder when the killing is going to start  - and then you'll realize there was already one murder. A slow moving snow plow runs over a man who would have survived if he'd only thought to step out of the way. Instead he remains rooted to the road while the plow slowly lumbers up and runs him over.

Be prepared for lots of hanging out at the chalet and conversations where nothing happens. Trina is always exercising. Jeannette is always getting naked and so is Carl. The killers point of view is from inside a broken ski mask which is pretty awesome but it's few and far between.

Prepare yourself for kills that are nonsensical.   Along with the guy who can't move out of the way of the snowplow, we have other confusing options. Such as the guy who's stabbed in the chest, which based on the positioning would mean the killer had walk up in front of him and lean across the kitchen counter to stab him.  And a guy who steps in a bear trap, yet ends up dead his torso covered in blood. How did that happen?  Did he somehow get the trap off his leg, reset it, and fall onto it torso first? What the hell, movie?

The most awkward scene is when Jeannette decides she's going to get all dolled up and put the moves on Alex when he comes to do his sales presentation.  After some pleasantries with the group, Alex and Jeannette get cozy next to the fire for some one on one time.   They drink wine, flirt it up, and make out. This is all fine and dandy until the phone rings.  Cut to the other side of the room where you can everyone is sitting on the couch a foot away from Alex and Jeannette while they make out. Holy crap! Who does that as an adult?

This has one of the most ridiculous reveals regarding the killer and his motivation.  Stop reading now if you don't want to know the unintentionally silly explanation.  The killer blames everyone for Jeff's death. Yet Jeff's accident had nothing to do with them. Jeff was kind of nuts and got angry because he thought he was dating someone that he wasn't actually dating.   It's not the others fault that he skied at night and died.  But the killer was in the bar and Jeff poured his heart out about the betrayal he felt.  So when Jeff didn't come back after heading up the mountain, our killer went looking for him the same night, fell off the same rock and broke his damn leg.  He blames the group not only for causing Jeff's death, but also his accident which resulted in the loss of his leg. This caused him to lose his dream of skiing in the Olympics. You see, our killer has a prosthetic leg, and it does come into play, although laughably.  So it's got that going for it.

Make sure to stick around for the snowman scene at the end.

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