Tuesday, March 16, 2021

They Lie Inside Us (2020)


A bland dad moves into a supposedly haunted house with his disabled daughter.  While his blandness keeps him from being totally dislikable, he’s definitely not going for dad of the year since he’s brought his disabled daughter to a haunted house and she can’t get up or down stairs on her own.

Dad is a writer but he’s had writers block since something terrible happened. He doesn’t mention what it is, but his dead wife pops up every once in awhile. Is she real? Just a figment of his imagination? And does this have anything to do with his daughter being disabled?

Dad’s hoping living in a haunted house will provide inspiration.  He has a list of movie monsters and when an idea strikes him, he writes a story.  It’s essentially the same story over and over. A woman in a nightgown is chased by a serial killer, a scarecrow or a killer clown, etc.

His daughter spends most of her time alone waiting for her dad to be free to get her upstairs or out the door. But dad is lost in his own head and even on Halloween he leaves her sitting alone downstairs while he writes another one of his stories with varying monsters.  

After watching tons of really low budget movies, this didn’t seem that bad. But there wasn’t anything about it that really drew me in either.  It was an okay way to pass the time but the ending was disappointing.

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