Tuesday, December 21, 2021

A Christmas Slay (2015)

Three friends rent a home for the weekend in Scotland. Emma is hoping to forget her boyfriend Ryan, who may be cheating on her. The other two girls have secretly invited their boyfriends, even though it’s supposed to be a girls weekend. Also Chloe who was caught sleeping fully clothed with Ryan shows up, hoping she and Emma can patch up their friendship.  

But they picked the wrong time to rent this place since there are escapees from an asylum on the loose and heading their way.  The most dangerous one is the guy dressed as Santa holding an axe. He’s murdered people before, but they put him in a fairly low security asylum so now he’s ready to kill again.

When the girls first get there, Emma is in the basement and the door opens. A man with blackened teeth smiles at her.  Who is he? Is he one of the escaped mental patients?  Emma brushes it off. She doesn’t even consider it odd enough to mention to her friends, even though it’s super creepy. 

That night when they find body parts in the toilet, they never once consider the killer could still be in the house. They also decide the best course of action is to leave the house, and walk out in their underwear. These girls do not have fully functioning brain stems.  At one point, one girl runs up to her boyfriend covered in blood, he never asks if she’s okay.  Also at the end, was the person put in the asylum actually a patient or was the scene badly written? If she’d never been in then asylum, then how could they mistake her for an escapee?

I thought she was Emma’s mother, but she’s a college student
Emma sees nothing wrong with this strange man
opening the door to the basement
The worst outfit to wear when you go outside because you 
fear the sound you heard is a prowler or murderer

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