Tuesday, April 19, 2022

I Wish, I Wish (2016)

Aka Deseo, Deseo

After their grandmother dies, five cousins go to her house to start cleaning it out. They find a game which allows them to wish for their hearts desire. The game board reflects the wish and then tells them what to do to get it.  There is a cost for everything.  After everyone makes a wish, blood is spilled on the game, and we know things won’t end well. 

The big problem with this movie is the characters are horrible people.  One is a jerk right out of the gate. But even those who seem decent start falling like dominos as we are let in on their superficiality and self interest at others expense.  

As things start going wrong, and they realize it’s the game, these idiots keep making wishes trying to fix things. Do you not understand the game will never give you a fair deal?

Ridiculous dialogue:

No one calls me a child!

The game is kind of cool, other than it kills you.
Why does grandma have a One Direction poster on her wall?
They look far too happy for the cover of an evil game.

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