Wednesday, April 20, 2022

The Followers (2021)

Disgraced former reality star Jonty is off to college where he hopes  to increase his following and distance himself from his past.  He rooms with Zorna who makes documentaries, Amber who is also an influencer, and Peter, a PhD student from Scotland who is not pleased at rooming with nineteen year olds.

The first night they hear the sound of music and they go to investigate the source. One of the group thinks the place is haunted. I’m not sure why that’s the first thought rather than a neighbor, but they end up in the basement where they find a squatter. Security sends the squatter packing.

Jonty is self absorbed and spends his days trying to figure out how to get more followers. He posts videos about their house being haunted and gets his roommates to do a ghost hunt. A psychic says they should leave before the vengeful spirit in the house kills them.  

Jonty pays someone to dress as a ghost to scare Amber. Not only is that good for likes, but it gives him an opportunity to protect her and try to hook up with her.  Yeah, Jonty hasn’t learn anything from his past.

After someone dies in the building, the group moves out. But ten days later, Jonty contacts them and says he has a sponsor with lots of cash who will pay them to move back in. They’ll have cameras everywhere and if there are any ghosts, they’ll be famous. He’s got ten million viewers now and this sponsorship means Jonty is willing to put everyone’s life at risk for the sake of his fame.

Somehow Jonty proves to the internet that ghosts exist by finding a cassette tape hidden in the wall. It makes no sense that people would say this is proof of an afterlife, but there you go.  

In a scene right out of a James Bond movie where the villain needs to make sure Bond knows what is going on, the antagonist pours lighter fluid on themselves and brandished a lighter. But first insists the roommates watch a video while they provide exposition on what is going on and why they did what they did.  Why the kids didn’t immediately run out of the room is beyond me.  They were closer to the door and in better shape than the killer. So could have gotten out of there before there was any chance of death or injury. Stupid kids.

They could have run out the door but they have no
sense of self preservation  
The only appropriate way to look at Jonty
Jonty and his jaunty hat make their first appearance

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