Sunday, May 7, 2023

The Demon (2016)

A college kid asks his uncle for the key to his second house so he can have a party with his friends. His uncle replies he doesn’t have another house which you’d think would be the end of it. But when his uncle leaves the room, the kid finds the key and steals it.

What the kid doesn’t know is his uncle abandoned the house years ago after his wife passed away in it. He was warned by a priest to leave and never come back due to bad energy in the house.  

The group goes to the house and parties. It’s fairly tame since they just sit around a table eating.  Then the nephew puts on a Santa suit and everything goes to hell.  We’re about 39 minutes in before anything odd happens, and even then it’s not much.

This is a slow moving film.  The description says they’re celebrating New Year’s Eve so why is someone playing Santa? At one point the nephew locks the front door with the key. I’m not sure why, other than a plot point to make sure no one can escape when things go off the rails. The house has bars over the windows so the door is their only hope to get out. I can’t even remember the end of this one.

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