Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Night Zero (2018)

Three couples at a dinner party argue and appear to generally not like their partners.  One couple is on the verge of a breakup due to suspected cheating.  Oh this sounds like such a fun night out.

After a lot of unpleasantness and much talking, they discover they’ve gotten together on the night of an alien invasion.  What to do? Well stay in the house, of course. Especially since the military is fighting the aliens using chemicals which are turning people into raging morons with no inhibitions.  Those impacted want to kill everyone they see.

The majority of the movie takes place in the house. Wait, what’s that sound? I think I need to change the battery in one of my smoke detectors. Oh the sound is in the movie. It drove me freaking nuts. Sure if there’s an alien attack, things might go haywire, but it’s a terrible decision to subject the viewer to a constant beeping. It’s not increasing the tension, just making me hate your movie.

The characters constantly make bad decisions. They shine their flashlights when they know there are crazy people outside who want to kill them.  Good god man, stop shining your flashlights out the door and windows. Now they know you’re in there. Also shining a flashlight through a window at night is not going to give you a good view of outside. It’s more going to light up the window like a lantern.

Then we’ve got a character running down the street with a flashlight.  How about being stealthy or avoiding people? Nope, just going to stand here shining my light around so the crazies know where to find me. And why does she have a flashlight in a well lit street? 

When she goes indoors, she continues to use a flashlight even though the lights are on. She also takes her mask off knowing that the chemicals make people into rage zombies. What the hell, lady? I hate her so much.

Who holds their flashlight like this unless they’re a cop?
You’re expecting something exciting like on the cover,
but all you get is this

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