Monday, November 6, 2023

Demonic (2015)

Michelle and her friends are paranormal investigators. They’re heading to the house where the Martha Livingston murders took place twenty five years ago.  
Michelle’s boyfriend John is going with them. His mother knew Martha and he’s been having nightmares about the house. Michelle is an unsympathetic girlfriend in that her first priority is the investigation, which includes her ex Brian. She chastises John that it’s no big deal, even though Brian is openly hostile to John and obviously isn’t over her yet.

The group heads into the house to start the investigation.  But what Michelle hasn’t told John is they’ve going to do a seance. John tells them it’s a horrible idea because they could summon Martha.  Jules says no need to worry as they’ll only summon good energy.  Oh okay, I’m sure nothing has ever gone wrong in a seance.

While John said his mom knew Martha, the truth is his mother was in the house the night of the murders and was the lone survivor.  So apparently the paranormal investigators didn’t do any research on this case before heading in.  They also aren’t unnerved about a seal carved into the wooden floor of the murder house and think it’s the perfect  room to have the seance. Good god man, don’t do it! As expected things go horribly wrong.  

The story is told in flashback after the caretaker for the house finds it’s been broken into, sees a body on the floor, and calls the police.  They locate John and question him outside while trying to figure out where the people who came with him are and whether they’re dead or alive. 

So we’ve got a film that tells a large part of the story by flashback and found footage.  It’s a typical kids break into an abandoned murder house and there really is something supernatural inside that is going to kill them type of story. 

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