Thursday, November 23, 2023

The Last Thanksgiving (2020)

Lisa Marie is not happy the diner where she works is open on Thanksgiving. She’d prefer to stay home, even though she doesn’t get along with her parents.  Her boyfriend is going to be working at the movie theater. She doesn’t seem to get along with him either. In fact, she’s unpleasant to everyone.

The diner has a full staff as the owner expects a crowd, but only one customer shows up.  Do they usually have a crowd on Thanksgiving?  They don’t even seem to have a Thanksgiving meal, just their regular menu.

It’s unfortunate they’re open because a family of cannibals live nearby and spend their day killing those who don’t celebrate Thanksgiving. So basically they victimize those who have low paying jobs and are forced to work on the holiday. Everyone in the diner would have been celebrating if they could.  

Also by their own definition, the cannibals aren’t celebrating either since they’re out driving around searching for people to kill. Just as they plan to eat later in the day, their victims do too since the diner was going to let them go early if no one showed up to eat.

The lead character is not likable. Also you’d expect the weirdo in the pilgrim mask to get more screen time, but he’s under utilized.  Not good by any means, but better than the other Thanksgiving horror movies I’ve seen.

The staff at the diner and only one customer shows up
Lisa Marie’s typical expression

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