Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Byte (2024)

Jett discovers an app which claims to give you werewolf powers.  Just download the app, pay $35 for some werewolves blood, and perform a ritual in a graveyard during a full moon.  Jett doesn’t question how someone would get werewolves blood or what it would actually do to the person who ingests it.

When Jett, April, Nora and her boyfriend Damon go to the cemetery, Jett makes everyone cut their finger to mix their blood with the werewolf blood. It’s not clear why everyone needs to do this when the only person who drinks the blood is Jett. Soon people in town are dying, the police are blaming coyotes, and Jett is acting weird.

When a professor is killed, April fears she’ll be a person of interest.  Damon thinks maybe the person who sent the blood to Jett is behind the deaths, and Jett is getting more annoying by the day.

The explanation is not satisfying and most of the incidental characters don’t appear to be actors. There are several odd scenes.  The students are trying to get to Professor Gray’s class but security says part of the campus is closed due to an incident. When April asks if it’s Gray, security wants to question her and chases after her as she leaves. Why is that suspicious to ask about the professor whose class is blocked off? Also the police are stating it’s an animal attack, so what would questioning her accomplish?

The other odd thing is a woman in a bar gives her number an old high school classmate. She’s wondering if he’s going to call, but he was killed.  How does she not know he’s dead? Two brothers killed outside a bar in a town recently plagued with deaths due to animal attacks would be all over the news. Yet she and her friend haven’t a clue. 

Ridiculous dialogue

Student (in a lecture on the Salem Witch trials): What are your thoughts on Satanism in this country?
Professor Gray: Great question.

Nora: Did you kill Gray?
April: No, I didn’t kill Gray. You’re such an ass.
Nora: Well you ran from a security guard.

The app that can detect blood on someone’s phone
The judgemental diner patron
As time passes, it has more downloads and a worse rating
Why is a small class in an auditorium?The 
pink hat in the back row is really distracting

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