Gordon is backpacking in Romania when he gets a message his mother has died. When he heads toward a town with an airport to fly home, his general douchebaggery and lack of cash results in being kicked out of a taxi and stranded by the side of the road.
With no choice but to walk, he wanders down the snow covered country roads until he finds a fruit stand in the middle of nowhere. Seeing no one around, he stuffs his face and fills his backpack with everything he can carry, including the money box.
At dusk, he comes upon a house and knocks on the door. The woman inside lets him in, feeds him and allows him to stay the night. The woman mentions that her grandmother Olga owns a fruit stand. One time someone stole the money box and the townsfolk beat the crap out of the thief.
Thus we are on our way into a story which has Gordon doing far worse and getting even more unlikeable. Our dirtbag protagonist is going to get some terrible and unexpected karma for his actions.
This movie came up when I did a search for Christmas horror. Based on the cover, you’d think Krampus was going to show up at some point. Each time something messed up happened or people started giving each other the side eye, I’d think, here we go, let loose the Krampus But instead, it seems the cover was made by someone who apparently didn’t know anything about the movie. There is no Krampus. It’s well done but if you’re expecting what’s on the cover you’re sure to be disappointed.
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