Friday, April 6, 2012

Deadlands 2: Trapped (2008)

When the government releases a virus into a small town to check it's effectiveness, those affected become zombies with an insatiable blood lust.  Success!  Oddly enough that is what the government wanted since their intent is a zombie soldiers who will attack the enemy and keep on killing until no enemies are left alive.   As usual, there is no thought of how to make sure the zombies only attack the enemy or how to stop them once they've eaten the enemy - a major flaw in their planning indeed.

A group of survivors take refuge in a theater.  Their cell phones don't work and zombies have surrounded the building.  One of the survivors has been bitten, but as is often the case, they don't consider that he may turn into a zombie at some point.

Deadlands 2 is a sequel in name only.  The film is a big step up from the first Deadlands, which admittedly was a bunch of friends who got together to make a movie, (and it showed).  While it's much better than the first movie, there's nothing exceptional about it as the plot points are fairly cliche.

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