Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Seance (2006)

During school break, some friends stay in the dorms and decide to have a seance as one of the girls keeps seeing the ghost of a little girl in their bathroom.  The dorm used to be apartments and a murder took place in their room.

But instead of contacting the little girl, they summon the spirit of a murderous Janitor who used to live a couple of apartments away.  He starts roaming the halls, whistling, and killing.

The students aren't supposed to be in the dorm during break, so they don't ask the security guard for help.  When he leaves the front desk, they try to get out the doors but find them locked.  Are there really dorm doors that don't let people inside out without a key?  It seems like that would be a major safety violation as if there were a fire no one would be able to get out.  

With their escape plan thwarted, they go back up to their rooms and ties some sheets together even though it looks like they are about twenty floors up.  Why not look for a window closer to the ground? I'm not impressed.

Diego is played by AJ Lamas, spawn of Lorenzo, and it shows.  Time for Renegade: The Next Generation.

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