Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Payback (2012)

Julian borrows equipment from classmate Quinn, who has a part time job at the local television station.  Julian is making a movie for class about Harlan Diehl, who killed his whole family before being gunned down by police.

After discovering there were local news stories about the murders, Julian asks Quinn to look for file footage that he could use in his film.  When Quinn views the raw footage, he is possessed by the spirit of Harlan.  Quinn's make up is nice, especially the fingernails.  He resembles a young Dolph Lundren which is distracting.

In a subplot, Quinn is also working for a policeman who likes young girls. The cop pays him to install cameras in the school locker room as well as the girls bedrooms. This is the creepiest thing about the film.

Julian is the worst researcher ever.  Even though the murders happened in town, he doesn't know where the murder house is, and can't figure out that the news anchor who did the story has retired.

He comes up with the brilliant idea to re-shoot the story in the murder house.  This would be questionable just as a matter of principal, but since Quinn is possessed it's certain to end badly.  It also ends lamely  

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