Sunday, December 20, 2020

Holiday Hell (2019)


An anthology which utilizes a wrap around involving a curio shop where a woman arrives at closing time on Christmas eve to find a gift for her sister.  The proprietor shows her items and tells her the gruesome stories behind them.

Doll face- college students go to a deserted house to party. There is nothing creepy about this house.  It’s a modern split level in a residential neighborhood and looks like it’s still occupied. So it’s no surprise when there is someone in the house and people start dying. 

Rabbi doll - Happy Hanukkah! Here’s a creepy, vintage, handmade rabbi doll.  Surprisingly the kid loves it. His parents leave him with a babysitter for the weekend, who turns out to be planning to rob them with the help of her boyfriend.  The weirdest bit is that the kid is supposed to live in a mansion but his bedroom is tiny.

Bloody Santa suit - a guy celebrating a year of sobriety finds himself passed over for a promotion at work for a man with less seniority.  To add insult to injury, his wife doesn’t want to be anywhere near him and everyone keeps telling him there’d better not be another drunken incident like at last years office party. 

The ring - this tale is told by the customer about the distinctive ring she’s wearing.  A young woman moves to an isolated farm where she rents a room and says she’s alone in the world.  Damn it girl! Don’t ever tell a stranger that you have no family or friends.  You may as well say you’re the perfect murder victim because no one will miss you. Things go as well as expected.

While not a great movie, it’s better than many of the Christmas horror flicks out there.  In fact it may have seemed better than it actually was since I watched several horribly bad Christmas horror movies right before it.  Joel Murray and Jeffrey Combs are always enjoyable to watch so it’s got that going for it.

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