Wednesday, May 19, 2021

The Dybbuk Box: The Story of Chris Chambers (2019)

A man buys a box because its supposed to contain a demon and after opening it, he’s surprised by the things that happen. Stupid man. 

After watching dybbuk box openings on YouTube, Chris heads to the dark web to buy one.  He’s heard that real witches can’t sell the boxes so he finds one where the owner says it’s for trade only and not for sale. Inexplicably Chris purchases the box rather than trading for it.

When it arrives, Chris uses an EMF meter to see if it reacts to the box.  EMF supposedly can pick up on spirits and it’s going off any time it gets near the box.  

After he opens the box, the EMF no longer lights up. Chris finds this odd and can’t comprehend why it would happen. It’s like he’s forgotten the entire story of the box and why he was using an EMF meter.  

Soon strange things start happening in his home. A lamp flickers. The temperature control is set on 73, but it’s either freezing or boiling in the house. A ceiling fan falls onto the bed, which provides unintentional hilarity since there are no electrical wires attached to it. A table lamp files off the table. It’s all more annoying stuff, rather than life altering.

Chris repeatedly uses a spirit box to talk to the demon and believes it’s talking back. As in all ghost hunting shows, the words Chris hears in response to his questions sound nothing like the sounds coming out of the spirit box. He’s looking for words that make sense in relation to his questions. He tells us what he hears and at no time did anything sound like what he interpreted.  

I have no idea how many days this is supposed to take place over. I’m not sure if I wasn’t paying close enough attention or they didn’t tell us. Chris starts feeling poorly and nothing is ever resolved.  It purports to be a true story. The characters name and actors name are the same.  But it not much happens and it doesn’t go anywhere other than to tell us Chris went to live with his parent because he felt ill.  

Ridiculous dialogue:

It’s kind of strange that the moment I opened the box this just stopped. (Said about the EMF meter, even though he was told never to open the box because it contained a demon and why would the demon ever stay in the box once it was open)

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