Sunday, May 23, 2021

You Die (2018)

Aka Decarga Siniestra; aka You Die: Get the App, Then Die

One night a stranger asks Asia if he can use her phone and she agrees. This is unfortunate since he downloads an app onto it that is going to kill her. You see it’s a chain mail type app. Once someone downloads it onto your phone, the only way to restart the clock on your death is to load it onto someone else’s phone. So you need to to do this every day or you die.

The most surprising thing about the plot is someone would let a stranger use their phone. If someone asked to use my phone, my first thought would be they’re going to steal it. Also the time it takes to download an app is suspiciously long to be concealing the phone from the owner. It’s just plain weird, even if you let a fried borrow it. And I can’t think of a single time I let a friend borrow my phone because they always have their phone. 

This was better than most of the other films I’ve seen about evil apps on cell phones.  Also holy moly, why are there so many death apps?  


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