Friday, May 6, 2022

Cemetery of Terror (1985)

Aka Cementario del Terror

On Halloween, a group of college students go to an abandoned house to party. The girls aren’t impressed since the guys convinced them it would be a nice event but it’s just snack food on a dirty coffee table in a dilapidated home. 

After making out and listening to music, the group heads over to a nearby morgue and steals a body. Because you know, Halloween.  They bring it to the cemetery, perform a ritual using a book of spells, and viola!  They’ve brought a killer back to life.  This is unfortunate since they go back to partying in the abandoned house which he used to own. Things do not go well for them.

Meanwhile a doctor is working with the police to track down the body of the killer. The doctor says he’s a demon and a danger to the public. The police are not as concerned since last they knew he was a corpse.

In another soon to be intersecting story, some teens and children go to the cemetery for Halloween.  While most horror movies have teens who get unnerved from cat scares, these kids have reason to scream when a grave pops open and flames shoot up.  When they stumble upon the abandoned house, they take way too long to notice the bodies of the college students and end up trapped with the killer.

The Micheal Jackson jacket came out of nowhere
Best Halloween mask
Yes kids, you should definitely be scared.
What could possibly go wrong in a cemetery on Halloween? 
The worst job hiding ever
Why did they think bringing a corpse back to life was a good idea?
Okay Romeo, button up your shirt
Picking out the best corpse.
Wait, the abandoned house is in a neighborhood
with another house right across the street and a street going
right by it? How did no one notice the shenanigans?

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