Thursday, May 19, 2022

Look Away (2018)

Maria is not in a good place mentally. She’s bullied in school. Her only friend is constantly stabbing her in the back, sometimes under the guise of helping her.  Her mom is over protective and Maria overhears her dad repeatedly say there’s something wrong with her.  

To add insult to injury, Maria thinks she’s getting a car for her birthday. But instead her plastic surgeon dad invites her to his office and tells her he’s going to make her beautiful by doing surgery on her. Surgery she never asked for or insinuated she wanted or needed. Way to go, dad! Maria is too beaten down by life to do anything other than nod.

One night Maria notices her reflection in the mirror and it’s not moving with her.  She starts having conversations with this person in the mirror who goes by Airam.  While Maria is timid, Airam is confident.  After a particularly bad day at school, Maria is convinced by Airam to touch the mirror and they change places. And Airam is not cool with what people have been doing to Maria.  So get ready for revenge on anyone who wronged her or doesn’t go along with what she wants. Yeah that’s right. Innocent people aren’t safe either.

Has anyone ever had their prom on ice? It seems like the worst idea ever. You’re limiting it to people who can ice skate, and there’s a huge chance of injuries, intentional or otherwise. Those skates are super sharp. 

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