Monday, April 3, 2023

American Mummy (2014)

 Aka Aztec Blood

Monroe University is doing a dig in New Mexico when they stumble across a mummy and one of the team is killed by a spear.  But it’s not your typical mummy because it’s an Aztec. It’s also not really a mummy since once they remove the mask there are no bandages.

Twelve weeks after the team members death, the dig continues with a small crew.  It’s not clear why some of these students are on the dig.  Max is a literature major, Connie’s major is photography, and Conner is described as an odd duck but dedicated. 

Then there is Dr. Lobachevsky, a combination of a low rent Oliver Reed and Aldo Cella.  He’s famous in the archaeology world and has worked previously with the professor who is supervising the dig. But can he be trusted?

After Carmen convinces young Derek to help her do a blood ritual on the mummy, which includes her getting topless, straddling the mummy and making out with the corpse, she picks up some sort of virus which later causes her to spew green blood and die.  With the satellite phone missing and no way to contact civilization, they put her under a tarp in a tent. Later she bites someone and ends up seducing another member of the team, even though she has blood all over her face. What the hell guy, are you that desperate?

The green tongue becomes the way to check to see if people are infected. Someone gets their arm chopped off, but never passes out or seems all that bothered by it. What about the mummy, you ask?  Is it a terrifying killing machine? Nope, they just prop it up against the cave wall.  

As with many low budget movies, the cover has nothing to do with what happens. In fact, the title doesn’t have anything to do with the movie either since it’s not really a mummy and not even American.

Ridiculous dialogue

Poor Becca. Ever since her boyfriend Phillip was killed, she’s had her ups and downs.

What the heck would an Aztec sacrifice be doing here in America?

It looks like they’ve found a cartoon rabbit
This is your mummy
Sure, we can park across the road
She’s got man hands


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