Saturday, September 16, 2023

Demon’s Rook (2013)

Roscoe is drawing demons and tells his parents about the friend who visits him in the night. His mother thinks it’s an imaginary friend so she’s fine with it. Unfortunately that’s not the case and his parents are fried in their bed, while Roscoe goes down into a hole in the middle of the woods.

Thirty years later, Roscoe comes out of the hole after releasing a few demons in error. For years the old caretaker had been training him to take over as the keeper of the vessels. But now he’s messed up and  the demons are released on Earth.

Meanwhile his childhood friend Ava manages to escape the zombies who killed her father and almost runs Roscoe down while driving for safety. The two head to an abandoned cabin Roscoe slept in and he tells her the story of where he’s been for thirty years.  At this point, it’s forty seven minutes into the film and there are fifty five minutes left. Good god.

This movie is supposed to be styled as a throw back to older movies. They raised money to fund it, used  practical effects, and it looks good especially for a low budget film.  However an almost two hour running time is way too long.  Plus about a third of the movie doesn’t have dialogue.

Ridiculous dialogue

You and your bear are so ugly.

We’re gonna cause a real rubble ruckus.

Good idea not to let Roscoe taking drawing
lessons from the neighbor
She’s running from zombies but all I can think is
what the hell is that bear on the left?
Her glasses take up a third of her face
The practical effects in this movie are really nice
It’s totally normal when you see your boyfriend ahead 
to stop your car fifty feet away and walk up to him
rather than drive up and saying hello.

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