Saturday, September 2, 2023

No Filter (2022)

While on vacation with her parents, Anna sees Scary Scott, an influencer known for his prank and scares. When she approaches him, he hands her a mask and tells her to go scare her parents.  But Anna ends up sneaking up behind him and scaring him instead. When he tags her in his videos, her social media blows up.

Back at school in the fall, Anna is suddenly popular due to her almost three hundred thousand followers. She’s also become vapid, constantly filming herself or taking selfies.  Her parents are irritated at her personality change and even her friends aren’t happy with the pranks she’s pulling on them. She’s got a terrible attitude and says if something happens but it’s not posted online, it doesn’t matter.

While Anna was away, her former bully became friends with her best friend, which causes Anna to be upset.  But it’s hard to feel sorry for Anna when she’s so self absorbed, using her online friendship with Scary Scott to stay relevant, and constantly talking to her followers, some of whom are turning on her. She’s even starting another channel where for her scares and pranks.

Scott has a scare challenge but what no one knows is Scott is dead so he’s not posting.  Anna’s phone is starting to get weird and she’s seeing a vision of herself but with black eyes. The place where she and Scott met overseas has lore that if your balance tips to the dark side, the demon inside you can awake. So things are not going to go well for Anna, what with her ego and arrogance in thinking everything she says and thinks is interesting and must be posted online. 

Things start going wrong for Anna and anyone that comes into her orbit.  Too bad for those who weren’t looking for that attention.  It’s an average movie where you want a bigger payoff in the end.

Influencers doing their influencer thing
Painting her eyes and mouth in the girls bathroom for a prank
She’s now popular enough to get negative attention

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