Wednesday, April 7, 2021

After Images (2014)

Film students make an offering to ancestors by burning a camera and the next day find a photo in the ashes. If a camera gets a photo, what will a video camera get? They make a paper video camera to burn and wake the next day to find film in the ashes.  Each night they burn different types of cameras and get different types of films.

As these are film students who need to submit a film for class, they decided they will splice together all the films they’ve found to make a feature film.  When one of the guys puts a teaser film up on YouTube, another becomes furious as he claims that is his intellectual property since he made the paper camera that they burned to get that film. 

The group starts fighting about who owns each film because they believe these films are better than anything they could make. They also theorize that when they release the film, they’ll become famous and rich, and can then use the money they get to make their own films. Oh silly kids, if you can’t make films this good, then how is that going to work?

The clip they post for the teaser is called something like sexy Asian in swimming pool. So that’s not going to gauge interest in their horror film.  The people using those search terms aren’t looking for horror clips.  And now they can be disappointed to find this page in their google search.

The students and their film studies are the wrap around for an anthology.  There are four stories:

  1. Peeping Tom with a telescope goes to the pool at night hoping to run into the lady he’s been watching. A caretaker tells him the pool is closed because only ghosts swim at night. He ignores the warning.
  2. A woman in a high rise takes photos of a person who jumped to her death and then experiences a  haunting
  3. People get trapped in an elevator and some of them start freaking out
  4. A man who works in a food stall is sad because his wife is missing and everyone keeps going to another stall asking for lady fingers

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