Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Joker Scarecrow (2020)


A group of friends goes camping in the woods. They’ve decided to make things interesting by speaking in English all weekend.  They talk about how their English is getting better due to all their practice.

While away from the group, one of the men sees a guy with a burlap bag over his head about fifty feet down the hill. Instead of running away from this creep, he falls over and lays there.  There is no effort at getting up or mounting any defense to an attack from this rambling, creepy, scarecrow headed goon. Eventually he manages to crawl back to camp and tells everyone to run.

The majority of the movie is one woman running away.  She finds a derelict house and spends minutes going from room to room  shouting for help, which is insane since the house is obviously abandoned and there is a killer after her.  

Then she finds a new building which looks like an empty industrial building but is apparently apartments.  There she bangs on a door and convinces someone to call for help. This leads to a hilarious subtitle which says “Hello police, I have a lady here who definitely did not say her family was kidnapped.”  

A year later, we see the same woman hang around in her apartment while some unknown person plays door bell ditch on her.  It’s all fairly tame and the ending isn’t anything unexpected.  The name of the movie refers to the scarecrow handing out jokers, such as the one on the cover.

The movie is Romanian, which is probably the most interesting thing about it.  The acting is stilted, even more so because English is a second language.  There’s no ADR so there’s a lot of ambient noise and sounds cut abruptly as the camera angle changes.

“I have a lady here who definitely did not say her family was kidnapped.”  
This is hard to read because there are two layers of subtitles.
I had the subtitles on in Amazon Prime and then this section of the movie
was in another language which added a subtitle beneath it.

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