Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Dead Trigger (2017)

A group of young stereotypes is picked to join the elite zombie fighting squad known as Dead Triggers. They get into a conflict with another combat team in the rec room who tell them the name of their squad comes from the fact that they aren’t coming back from the mission.  Sadly this proves to be true for most of them since they don’t know how to follow orders and they constantly do stupid things that put them in harms way - such as walking up to a massive zombie while trying to kill it and never once shooting at it’s head. Dude, don’t walk towards zombies. It’s just dumb.

The group heads into a town that is overrun by zombies to try to  rescue scientists who’ve been working on a cure. As expected, the complex has been infiltrated by zombies and our scientists aren’t what they used to be.  But thankfully one is still alive and has access to the cure. Now if only they could be picked up to get them out of there.  Betrayal, conflict, and all roads lead to them being abandoned in town. 

Be prepared for the team to unload round after round into the zombies chests and scream about how it isn’t stopping them. Why do people in zombie movies not know to shoot zombies in the heads? And these kids are even video game players who play zombie games. It makes no sense. And for a zombie movie, they sure are cavalier about the zombies. Even after people keep getting bitten, they’re still not paying much attention to make sure they stay safe.

I’m surprised at how bad the zombies are at moving like zombies.  This movie has Dolph Lundgren so there is some money behind it, but they can’t find anyone who can actually walk like a zombie?  Also in most scenes the zombies are pretty sparse, usually appearing to number between 20-30.  That’s not a lot of zombies for an apocalypse.

The worst thing is that this is one boring zombie movie. But I guess that’s to be expected since it was based on a video game... oh wait, so was Resident Evil. Never mind. They have no excuse.

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