Saturday, August 7, 2021

Centipede (2004)

When his best friend David gets engaged, Jake decides the bachelor party will be in India where they will go caving at Shanlaki Caverns.  Everyone has agreed to go, including David’s ex girlfriend Sara who is now dating his friend Dirk.  What a terrible idea.

The caverns are three miles deep and only eight people have ever been to the bottom.  If these lunkheads know about this cavern, then it seems odd that so few people have explored them.  

They meet up with their guide and start caving. David and Sara don’t seem very bright when they jump into the hole and race to see who can rappel down the fastest.  Before we know it, the entire group has traveled through the cave system to the bottom. Well that was easy. It looks like once they got into the caves, they could walk the rest of the way. So why have only eight people been down here?

Oh that would be because the cave is filled with man sized centipedes, which they will discover shortly after an accident causes a cave in and they have to find another way out.  They band together and come up with a plan, but the longer things go on, the more they fall apart. Some of the group realizes there is something in the caves with them, while others are clueless.

By this point, the authorities have discovered they have gone to the cavern without permission and that they are trapped. So there is a concentrated effort to try to find them.  

I’ve never been caving before, but it seems odd that all the men are wearing either long sleeve shirts or multiple layers, while the women are wearing crop top tank tops.  

In one scene they find a supply bunker, Sara runs off to find David who is still in the caves. When the others look for her, they shout her name. Sara and David see them and keep saying “shhhhhh” but Dirk asks “what’s wrong?”  It’s like he’s forgotten they’ve just spent the day being chased by giant centipedes and all their friends are dead.

Sara is super annoying. She is dating Dirk but she’s far more concerned about David’s safety.  If David is holding a flare to keep the centipede at bay, Sara must be held back from running towards him.  And when she gets free from their grasp, does she help David? Nope, she runs up next to him and stands there holding his arm. She’s useless.  

While it wasn’t a great movie, it did have a 90s feel to it and was kind of entertaining.  The romance between David and Sara was a pain point.  The music in the film seemed to mirror the game Centipede as it would get faster and faster as the centipede got closer. The two biggest questions I have at the end of the movie are:  why did they bring flares into a cavern; and why does everyone hate David’s fiancé? 

Ridiculous dialogue:
High society types, I know. Whatever. It’s New Hampshire.

You’ve wanted this for a long time and now in three months you’ll be Master Stone of New Hampshire.

Owen - I just saw the larvae but these things were huge, man. They’re huge and there’ s a whole hive of them.
Dirk - Owen, calm down. It’s probably just some weird maggot or something.

I can budge this damn door.

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