Monday, August 30, 2021 (2020)

A group of movie makers and explorers head to an abandoned factory to look for a friend who disappeared. They split up to cover more ground and discover what appears to be fresh blood on one of the walls.  

Meanwhile a reality show has chosen the same location for a dating show.  This is unfortunate since the building is full of vampires.

The most impressive part of this film is that they filmed themselves running through the dark in an abandoned building without getting injured.  Also the camerawork is fantastic in the sense that I am prone to motion sickness and I never got nauseous. They’re running down hallways and up stairs, yet they kept the camera really steady. This is a lesson for other filmmakers in that it’s possible to do found footage that looks self shot while maintaining fairly steady camerawork.

This is a French movie. I watched it on Amazon Prime and the subtitles were off by about four seconds, which was really disconcerting.  Even worse, the subtitles were too early so you would know something was going to happen before it did on camera. Someone would scream and then four seconds later, you’ d see a vampire come out of the dark.

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