Wednesday, August 11, 2021

One Remains (2019)

A documentary film crew heads to the mountains to interview Mr. Mahoney about the Pass Incident, where a group of hikers went missing. Mahoney was the ranger on duty who went looking for them and found them dead.  The camp was still intact with food on the fire, but the bodies were away from the campsite. It’s still a mystery as to what happened.

The group stays at an isolated house on a mountain across from Mahoney's house.  Mahoney is a little squirrely so they've been told to be careful with their interactions because he has good days and bad days.

Even though they're there to work, they spend the first night getting drunk, and hooking up. Hanna proves to be not only a bad intern, but stupid when she asks for the wi-fi password after they've been told there is no reception on the mountain.

Mahoney mentions he has video of the day of the search which the group wants to see. There is an awkward moment when Mahoney thinks one of the women is his dead wife Kathy and freaks out. "He thinks all women are Kathy," his sons says, in a bit of information that definitely should have been provided beforehand.

With the night at an awkward end, one of the group steals the video on the way out.  Back at their cabin, they watch the tape only to find it shows each of their deaths.  How is this on the tape? Is it a prank or a predictor of things to come?  And why do the Mahoney not only give the film crew a house to stay in, but stock the fridge? Why can’t they pay for their own food. He’s doing them a favor by allowing them to stay for free and interview his dad. 

Hey movie, what's up with having so many unlikeable characters? Most of the film crew are jerks. The cameraman is condescending. The intern resents having to do grunt work. There's a loud girl who doesn't like it when she's not the center of attention, and there’s an annoying Christian girl.

Watch for the phone that keeps ringing after it’s picked up. The premise of the hikers being found dead mirrors the real life incident at Dyatlov Pass incident in Russia.

Condescending dialogue from annoying characters:

Yeah. It's a documentary. We document.

Fucking actors. Say your line, line sayer.

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