Tuesday, November 16, 2021

As Night Falls (2010)

 Elizabeth wants a quiet evening at home with her boyfriend Otto, who just got back from being on tour with his band. But their douchebag friends decide to throw a party at her house, which we come to find out is actually her mothers house.  I’ve never understood why someone in Elizabeth’s position would go along with this. Just don’t let them in.

In a scene full of exposition, we discover that her parents bought this house for retirement. But then her dad died from a mystery heart attack. Now her mom has to work double shifts to be able to afford it.  So does that mean Elizabeth is living there for free? And why doesn’t mom sell the house rather than work 16 hour days? She’s always working so she can never spend anytime there. Also it’s haunted and the ghosts are going to kill anyone they can get their hands on.

This is one of those movies where you ask, am I supposed to like any of these people?  Otto, Elizabeth, and her younger sister Holly are nice enough, but are annoying to be likable. The other people are jerks that you’d never want to know, particularly pseudo punk Pennywise.  

Three questions about this movie. First, how were her parents planning on paying for this house?  Her dad retired so he wasn’t going to be bringing in any income.  Did he have an amazing pension that disappeared when he died? Second, why would anyone install a bathtub perpendicular to the wall? It’s awkward and impractical.  Third, if you’re going to say goodbye to a ghost girl who warned you’d be murdered, why would you stand on the site of her death where an evil spirit has been known to drag people to hell?  Nothing good can come from that.  

Studded collar? Check. Sex Pistols logo safety pinned to shirt? Check.
Stupid name? Check. Well I guess that means Pennywise is a punk.
Ghost girls eyeball is the best effect in the movie.

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