Sunday, November 14, 2021

Paranormal Xperience (2011)

A bunch of college students agree to take part in a psychology experiment run by their weirdo professor because he said he’ll excuse them from the final exam. They meet up in a creepy, isolated room where he straps them to chairs, says the mind is powerful and proceeds to cut one of the students arteries while telling him to stop the blood flow with his mind.   Hurrah, our professor is a lunatic!

After the mind experiment is over, the professor reveals that he’s not going to excuse them from the exam unless they take on a research project.  They should determine if the cursed town of Susurro is actually haunted.  There was a mine which reopened in the 1960s. After a few months people started leaving town because the mine wasn’t producing enough ore.  Rumor has it the town doctor was a serial killer who was locked in the mine as punishment, and even after his death he kept killing.  No worries there for our young intrepid students.

The group heads out to the mine to investigate. Angela is a skeptic, but her sister Diana (who loaned them her van) can see spirits. When Diana hears a scream in the mine, no one believes her. But when they listen to the tape, the scream is there.  From this point on, the spirit of the killer doctor is looking for victims and since they’re the only ones in town, well let’s just say things don’t go well for them.

Why is the abandoned town so clean?
Let the trance begin.
Nobody wants to be in legal shit creek.
Never let your professor strap your wrists and ankles to a chair

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