Sunday, August 28, 2022

Deadware (2021)

Rachel calls her friend Jay on video chat, which is this new fangled thing because the movie takes place in 1999.  While they are supposed to be friends, they seem uncomfortable with each other.

When Rachel asks about Amy, Jay says he hasn’t heard from her in a year or two. Rachel says she didn’t get any response to her remails, which is fine since they don’t need to talk every month since they have a connection. Rachel has overlooked that if you have a connection with someone they will respond to your emails.

The last entry on Amy’s blog says she’s playing an online game. Even though Jay is a gamer, he’s never heard of it. They locate the game online and decide to play.  Rachel’s cognitive functioning is in question when she says maybe the game is unreleased, which doesn’t make sense since it’s online and their friend was playing it.  

Rachel is not only cranially impaired, she’s a bad friend.  At 2am, Jay decides to sign off because he needs to get up early for work. Rachel begs him to continue, but he leaves. When she discovers she can’t play the game without him she calls him back and says she won’t be able to sleep if they don’t finish the game and they’re almost done anyway. It’s a weird lie to say since neither knows how long it takes to play. As with any movie where your friend is missing and you see someone in the game who looks like her, playing is a bad decision.

There are a number of annoying things in this film.  Every web site they need is the name of what they’re seeking. Rachel is condescending and manipulative to Jay.  As soon as Amy’s web cam connects, there is a painting in the room that matches one in the game. It is so distinctive I noticed it immediately. Yet they don’t notice until Jay goes over to Amy’s apartment and looks around her room. And if Amy’s web cam connects and Amy is nowhere to be seen, why would you assume she left for a bit? If she was going out, she wouldn’t connect and never speak to you.  Jay and Rachel, I curse you.

Ridiculous dialogue from some jerks:

They are eternal beings who can not pay their own rent.

I did send her some emails and never got a response.  But it’s not really that big a deal because when you’re close, you know, I just feel there’s an unbroken bond between us and we don’t have to talk every day or month or whatever.

I was trying to play it without you and it wouldn’t let me…. I just feel bad not finishing it. I don’t want to leave it open.

I won’t be able to sleep unless we finish this.

Kind of weird the only name in the guest book is Amy
Amy connects and they see an empty chair
The movie takes place entirely online so you’re always
looking at a computer screen and two people

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