Saturday, August 13, 2022

Tooth Fairy: Queen of Pain (2022)

Oh tooth fairy, previously you said it was the last extraction, but here you are again.  Five teachers bring four students - referred to as special - to a farm for the weekend. Why do they need so many teachers for so few children?  When one of the kids says they see someone in the woods, the teachers brush it off saying the kids have never been out of the city. Are the teachers special as well?

The first night, the adults want to head to the pub.  Sammy, who has forearm crutches, says she’ll stay with the kids.  Once the kids are in bed, there’s a knock at the door. Sammy hobbles to the entryway and hears an odd voice says she’s collecting for children’s charity.  Sammy finds it odd they’d be collecting at night and isn’t interested.  Yet she also keeps engaging with the stranger and tells her to come back tomorrow. Get some boundaries, Sammy. 

The creepy lady keeps coming back and manages to gets past the outside door.  She asks to use the phone and if children are in the home. The most surprising aspect of these interactions is Sammy doesn’t notice the woman’s messed up face or call the police.  Sammy is a little light in the belfry since all she does it text Neil and wait for her doom.

Several times there are newscasts about escapees from an asylum. Yet this weirdo with the odd voice, creepy face, and questionable requests doesn’t prompt any urgency to contact the police.  When Sammy says someone has been knocking, asking about the children and she thinks they’re in the house, the others wonder if she made it up. Why would she? No good decisions are made by this group. 

The characters aren’t particularly likable.  Neil is a wink wink flirty type of guy who appears to like Sammy, but then gets overly friendly with Ellen at the pub.  Ellen keeps buying drinks for Kim, even though she says she doesn’t want them. Kim says she doesn’t drink but is sucking them, down showing she has a high tolerance for alcohol.  And then there is Jeff, a miserable grump who complains about everything.

Ridiculous dialogue from some dullards:

Jessie thought she saw someone watching us in the woods.
That’s the problem. These kids have never been out of the city.

Where is Jeff anyway?
Jeff? I don’t know. Probably taking a dump or something.

Someone is in the house?  Why I must text my roommate.
Sammy is not alarmed at the strangers jacked up face.
They look joyous, but this is from the killers point of view.
Jeff being his usual glowering self
The door is barely tall enough for a teen to walk through
The disturbing soapy butt shot that appears like he
either has horrible cellulite or a skin disease.

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