Friday, August 26, 2022

Exorcist Vengeance (2022)

Father Jozsef is called to an estate where there’s been a death and a maid seems to be possessed.  There are multiple family members staying at the estate and Rose is way too flirty with her cousin, (although I swear he was referred to as her brother earlier which is even creepier). 

While the Father tries to get rid of the demon, the majority of the family gets in his way or argues with him.  Since he’s arrived, two people have died and most of the family blames him.  They seem to have forgotten someone died prior to his arrival and about the vomiting, levitating maid in the upstairs bedroom.

The most interesting thing about this movie is the father is played by Robert Bronzi, who looks like Charles Bronson.  In true Bronson style, the Father has a gun and shoots people when he feels it’s necessary.

Ridiculous dialogue:

She was traditional, to put it mildly.

Christine: We should call the police:
Father Jozsef: No, the church takes umbrage with the police getting involved.

Why don’t you suspect her? Magda. I mean if anyone was going to conjure the devil, it’d be her, right? She was probably jealous of us and our money.

Rebecca: Father, wait!  They don’t know.
Father Jozsef:  Funny. They do know. I told them.

Low rent Charles Bronson
Because all police wear their shirts unbuttoned.

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