Wednesday, June 28, 2023

The Dinosaur Project (2012)

The British Cryptozoological Society is bringing a tv crew with them on their expedition to search for what is essentially Africa’s Lochness Monster.  Rumors of this creature and video footage has spurred the group to investigate.

Expedition leader Jonathan is stuck bringing his son Luke to the hotel, but does not entertain Luke’s request to go exploring with him. Luke’s advised to stay in the hotel and wait for his Aunt who will stay with him. 

After we are introduced to the people participating in this expedition, it is no surprise when we find out Luke stowed away on the helicopter.  By the time he’s discovered, they do not have enough gas to turn around. Shortly after that they have bird strike with a prehistoric looking mystery bird and the copter crashes into the jungle. The rest of the movie is the group dying one by one while they try not to get murdered by the prehistoric wonders they were hoping to find.

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