Sunday, December 24, 2023

Black Santa (2023)

Twenty five years ago, Stephon and Blake were sent to a foster home after their crackhead mother couldn’t take care of them.  Their foster mother kept them chained to the floor. When Blake wouldn’t stop crying, a doctor came to the house and shot him up with something which killed him.  They covered it up by saying Blake had a seizure. There was no investigation.

Twenty five years later, Stephon dresses up as Santa and kidnaps his mom, foster mother, doctor, CPS worker and a small child. The child was in the wrong place at the wrong time. 

As he’s in the middle of torturing everyone, his girlfriend calls and says she’s on her way to his place and they need to talk. It turns out she’s pregnant. So he slips her a mickey, brings her to the garage and ties her up with his other victims.  She was in the foster home with him, but doesn’t recognize the others.

Unlike Silent Night, Deadly Night, this isn’t any fun.  It’s mostly poorly done torture on people tied to chairs in a large garage or storage space.  The only fun part is the aging is accomplished by slapping some ill fitting gray wigs on the actors.

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