Friday, December 1, 2023

Killer Christmas Elves (2021)

Tommy is less than thrilled to be forced to spend Christmas with his estranged father.  James is excited to see his son, but after being given the cold shoulder he stoops to Tommy’s level by being a baby about his cold reception. It’s not clear if Tommy has a legitimate reason for being upset with his dad or he’s just being a jerk.

James lives in a neighborhood with an HOA. His neighbor Bret thinks his decorations aren’t up to par and gives him a gift basket which includes an elf doll. But what Bret doesn’t know is a temp worker in the doll factory was a witch who cursed the elf dolls.

When the tree gets tipped over, James blames Tommy until they start hearing noises and discover the doll causing havoc and trying to kill them.  Now they’re banding together to take out the doll before it murders them.

The problem with low budget horror comedy is it’s never clear if the effects are supposed to be as bad as they are. Did the filmmakers enthusiasm and lack of experience lead him to think these were good, or did he just kind of shrug and say this is the best I can do based on my budget?

Elves attacking
Elf with a flame thrower

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