Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Christmas Cruelty (2013)

Aka O’Hellage Jul!

The movie opens with some horrific murders, and then transitions to the characters we’ll be watching for the rest of the film. Unfortunately they're really unlikable. We watch them get drunk, get ready for Christmas, and insult each other.  One guy hates women and talks about how all his girlfriends have been horrible, overlooking the fact that he’s the common denominator. 

Once in awhile they cut to the killer who sits at his desk at work, or goes home and has dinner with his family.  The editing is bizarre. In some scenes there are constant cuts. Sometimes they cut to a slightly closer shot of the same thing and then back.  It might happen six times in a single sentence. It’s annoying.

It’s not fun or interesting, everyone is unlikable, and you’ll feel yucky when it’s over.

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